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From: Patrick Spielmann
Cold to Gold Headquarters, USA
Saturday, 9:37 PM
Dear Business Builder,
If you want to win at outbound sales in 2024, whether it’s through cold emailing, cold calling, social selling, or even sending direct mail sales letters...
Then this is going to be the most important letter you'll read this year.
Because today, I’m revealing a secret strategy so powerful that your competition will start scratching their heads, wondering what you're doing to acquire so many customers.
They'll be confused, jealous, and will do their best to figure out your methods.
So, be extra cautious about who you share this confidential strategy with, because only 0.1% of the top players in the outbound game are using it.
And they're...
What's their secret sauce?
A hyper-personalized multi-channel approach at scale with the Godfather offer.
Now, let’s dive deeper into the secrets.
Here we go.
“I'm gonna make you an offer you can't refuse.”
Remember this famous line from The Godfather movie?
You might be wondering what it has to do with outbound sales, right?
Well, my friend, it has everything to do with it.
Let me explain.
You see, businesses are more skeptical than ever.
The BS meter of our prospects has been ridiculously high.
Because now, with the rise of AI and cheap list-building scrapers and tools, people are sending way more cold emails than in the last decade.
I don’t have to prove it, because you know it's true.
Everyone is doing the same thing:
Spraying and praying en masse.
But, as we are smart individuals…
We are going to do something different that will blow our prospects' minds and make them submit to our offer.
Here’s the step-by-step process for crafting highly personalized cold emails that work. Period.
1st Email:
Subject: [Relevant personalized subject line]
Hey {Name}, [Personalized intro line that connects with their dreams and desires].
[Personalized reason why we’re reaching out]
[Risk Reversal] We help X get Y without Z, or your money back.
[Relevant Case Study & Social Proof].
[Call to Action: Crafted to make them respond to your email.]
2nd Email: 1st Follow-Up
Replying in the same email thread.
{Name}, I just recorded this quick personalized video for you to show you that I wasn’t bluffing, and we actually [talk about results].
[Personalized image with that person’s name]
I have shared 2 secret ways on how we can help {company name}, and achieve {desired results}.
Let me know what you think.
3rd Email: 2nd Follow-Up
Replying in the same email thread.
{Name}, it seems like I wasn’t able to impress you, so I’m making you an offer you can’t refuse.
[Personalized Godfather offer (an offer so good people feel stupid saying no)]
Example for an e-commerce email marketing agency:
“Work with us for 90 days and we’ll work with you at no cost until I generate my fee ($3500) in sales. Once I've made you $3500 in sales, I will bill you. And you're guaranteed to make back 5x my fee from the marketing systems installed in the first 90 days, or I’ll give you your money back.”
[Relevant case study or testimonial].
Now, you might be thinking that personalizing emails and scaling them would be difficult, right?
Well, if you do it manually, then yes, it's going to take you or your team a significant amount of time.
But if you leverage AI & ChatGPT, you can accomplish all of these tasks at scale.
You can create thousands of hyper-personalized emails & videos in just a few hours.
I'll tell you more about this in a moment.
But for now, let’s dive into strategy number 2.
To win at outbound sales, targeting the right people and reaching their inbox is the #1 factor.
No matter how persuasive our copy is, if we're not targeting the right people and reaching their inbox, then it’s all a waste.
So, we need to build a list targeting people similar to your current customers, find their data, and I mean deep data - not just names, emails, and phone numbers.
We need relevant data from their company that we can use to write personalized emails, videos, and offers.
Then, we must ensure we’re following the best practices for email deliverability.
This is where most people fail.
They send thousands of emails from one address, or worse, their core domain, and end up in s.p.a.m.
And even if you get into the inbox, your emails might not be persuasive because they're not personalized.
You see, being strategic with this helps us increase our reply rate, meeting rates, and closing rates.
For example, if you run an Ad fraud SaaS helping customers save money from fake, bot, or competition clicks on Google.
How should we build the list for this?
Not just by emailing everyone who has a business.
We go further.
Target people who are running ads?
Closer, but not quite.
Target people, who are running search ads on Google?
But here's the problem:
How are we going to find those people running search ads on Google?
That's where being strategic with lead list building comes into play. And with AI, we can do everything faster without any manual work.
(I'll tell you how you can do this in a moment.)
But now, let’s explore the 3rd fortune-making strategy.
There's a saying, "Fortunes are in the follow-ups."
And that's very true.
Follow-ups are like being consistent with anything.
But following up with just an email is not enough.
We need to utilize other channels because your competitors are unwilling to go that far.
They're not going to pick up the phone and call the prospects.
They're not going to connect with the prospects on social channels like LinkedIn or X.
They're not going to send handwritten personalized letters.
They're not going to nurture prospects who said, "Reach out to me in 6 months."
They're not going to do any of this stuff because it's hard.
And this is where you separate yourself from the competition, by showing your prospects to what extent you're willing to go to have them as a client.
And if you don’t want to go that far, it’s okay.
Sales is a long-term game.
It's hard because everyone else is doing the easy stuff, copying each other, saturating the market, and commoditizing it.
In your customer's eyes, everyone looks the same.
This is how you differentiate yourself in the sea of competition.
Now, if you want to go this far with the help of AI, it's possible to automate all of the work and strategies I've shared with you today.
All you need is just some help from automation experts, and you're good to terrorize your competition.
At Uptics, we're working on this complete automation process of hyper-personalized outreach at scale.
So no one else can do what you can, i.e., send relevant personalized emails, videos, handwritten letters, cold calls, social selling, lead nurturing, etc.
Heck, I even built a team of experts so that everything goes smoothly.
Now, if you want to be a part of this new hyper-personalized outreach at scale that has the potential to change your outbound game, then I, Patrick Spielmann, am introducing you to the “Cold to Gold Outbound Domination” services.
Where we'll help you automate every aspect of your outbound sales process, including:
Heck, we’ll even manage all of your campaigns and come up with new hooks and angles to make your outbound work.
All you have to do is hop on the sales calls and close them.
That’s it.
You don’t have to do any work.
Our Sales & Copywriting experts will take care of everything.
Now, it’s not available to everyone.
To ensure we can fully deliver on our promises…
We are only taking 5 clients for the beta group.
And, out of those 5 seats, 2 are already taken by my existing clients.
That leaves only 3 seats left.
If you want to implement these secret sales processes into your company, then this is your chance.
Click here and book a call with me, and I’ll tell you more about how it works and answer all of your questions.
And like I said, I’m only taking 5 clients so that we can focus on delivering on what we promise.
For that reason, don’t expect me to try to hard-sell you on this brand-new “Cold to Gold Outbound Domination” service.
I hate that stuff.
So, here’s what will happen on the call:
First of all, we will discuss the whole matter and see if we’re actually a good fit or not.
Then, both of us (you & I) will decide whether we want to move forward or not.
Sound fair enough?
Click here to book a call with me, and let’s see.
See you on the call,
P.S. If you were thinking of scaling your outbound while getting results, these are the strategies to use.
And, if you don’t want to wait another month to get things moving faster in this fast-moving world of AI, then you've got to act now.
Or, you’ll have to wait a month or two to get in.
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